School Liaison
The work of COR’s School Liaisons is the heart of our nonprofit. COR’s relationship with a school begins with a school visit to meet the Wraparound Specialist or designated resource person and assess needs. School deliveries take place at the Liaison’s convenience, typically once a month or so per school during the school year.
We group Liaisons’ schools by geographic area. School Liaisons volunteer about ten hours per month, depending on the number of schools served. We currently have four School Liaisons, and hope to add more as we grow.
Counting / Sorting
COR holds designated counting and sorting days one or two times per month. We will notify you of those days in advance via email, and you can volunteer when you are able.
If your civic organization, place of worship, business, or other group is interested in collecting supplies for needy students, we will arrange to collect the items from you and distribute them to schools that need them, or connect you with a staff member at an appropriate school.
Possible projects include collections of food, such as peanut butter, canned goods, or granola bars; new socks or underwear; hygiene items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, or shampoo; uniform clothing and other simple attire; period supplies; jackets or other cold-weather gear; off-to-college supplies; school supplies; Legos, art supplies, puzzles, and games.
Grant Writing / Fundraising
We often need help with grant writing or fundraising. If you have experience or contacts in these areas, we would love to talk with you.
General Help
Do you have a specific skill? Let us know about it! We welcome assistance with tasks like writing our newsletter, maintaining an inventory catalogue, seeking donations of specific items, and more.
For more information about any of these options, please contact us at